Company profile
The future of mobility
Company profile
The future of mobility

Autotrade & Logistics, a leading player in the Automotive Logistics sector for more than 15 years, aims to provide an innovative logistics system to support the evolution of car manufacturers, rental companies and dealers, offering an integrated and customised service, ever closer to the world of sustainable mobility and the green economy, which is constantly developing within the sector.
A&L bases its work on passion, innovation, strength, concreteness with the constant development of skills.
We concretely support the transition to an alternative logistics concept, supporting new, environmentally friendly forms of mobility.
Autotrade & Logistics bases its work on passion, innovation, strength, concreteness with the constant development of skills.

Autotrade & Logistics is the first logistics operator in Italy to have specialised sites for managing electric cars.
Autotrade & Logistics is the first logistics operator in Italy to have specialised sites for managing electric cars.

Autotrade & Logistics represents excellence in automotive logistics management, as well as being an accelerator of the shift towards sustainable and environmentally conscious mobility.


Sustainable development
Environmental protection: strictly applying national and international regulations and making its business sustainable.
700.000 m2
Total surface area of the Faldo
Production from renewable sources only
A proportion of the energy used comes from photovoltaic panels that are placed in different areas within the Autotrade & Logistics compound.
All remaining energy consumption comes from certified renewable energy sources (“Verde Dentro 2021” certification – TUV).
The lighting system inside the logistics centre has been converted to LEDs in the interests of greater environmental protection.
Car wash system – waste water purification
The car wash system recirculates the wash water through a water purifier.
All rainwater flows into a unique and impressive underground sewage system, which can hold up to 100,000 cubic metres.
In coordination with the Arno Basin Authority, this water is fed, following filtration treatment, into the Arno basin.

Darsena Europa Livorno project:
Darsena Europa, a strategic work of expansion towards the sea with which the port of Livorno aims to recover new spaces for the development of traffic of large ships. Darsena Europa is the symbol of the economic revival of the Tuscan coast.
Sistema Raccordi Area Il Faldo – Railway connections of the Port of Livorno:
RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana – Italian Railway Network) has taken over from the Region of Tuscany the final design of the overpass connecting the Port of Livorno to the Interporto di Guasticce (Vespucci) and will be responsible for the executive design and construction phases of the work, which will constitute national railway infrastructure managed by the company.
The Livorno railway overpass, the Vada-Collesalsalvetti-Pisa by-pass link and the adaptation of the gauge to P/C 80 and Modulo 750m
These three projects will increase the capacity and functionality of the rail links between the port docks and the interport by eliminating interference with traffic on the Tyrrhenian line.
Increased performance and reduced journey times together with a significant reduction in CO2 emissions due to a decrease in car transports will be part of important actions aiming at an even lower environmental impact.

V2G, the Vehicle-to-Grid:
With increasing volumes of electric vehicles Autotrade & Logistics is building a hub for sustainable battery management and charging.
The project includes the implementation of V1G (smart charging) and V2G (vehicle-to-grid) platforms.
V2G is smart battery energy flow technology: it uses bi-directional battery chargers that can both release and withdraw energy from the electric vehicle.
The grid-connected vehicle can thus supply ecologically produced energy to the national grid.
V2G is the technology that will make the energy transition of the transport sector possible: with this technology, electric vehicles will be able to be part of the electricity system and not just receivers of electricity.